Crocodiles in Mambili River at Odzala Kokoua ( Imbalanga Camp)

The Nile Crocodile is one of the four largest crocodilians in the world along with the Saltwater Crocodile, the Ganges Gavial and the Black Caiman .The adult male is between 3.5 and 5 m long (4 m on average) and weighs 225 to 750 kg2. However, specimens exceeding 6.1 m in length and weighing up to 1089 kg have been recorded, 
such as 'Gustave' in Burundi. The female is about 30% smaller. The Nile Crocodile's bite force is around 22 kilonewtons, or 2.2 ton-force.
The range of its prey is very varied and depends on the size of the animal, the youngest feeding on aquatic invertebrates and insects, the largest on fish, amphibians and reptiles. 
They can attack antelopes, buffaloes or young hippos. Its main hunting technique is to remain motionless in the water, leaving only the top of its head and its nostrils protruding,
then to roughly seize its prey before dragging it underwater and drowning it.
Their reputation as man-eaters is not unfounded. Thus between 2010 and 2014, they would be responsible for 480 attacks including 123 fatalities in Africa.
eye detail. The Nile crocodile propels itself through the water with its long tail. Its eyes are protected by a protective membrane. 
It has a so-called "gular" fold at the level of the palate which completely isolates the mouth from the pharynx, allowing it to remain under water with its mouth open without drowning.
It has four small but powerful legs: two forelegs which feature five toes, and two hind legs which feature four toes and are webbed. When moving on land, it uses its legs, but only the forearms move, and the front of the legs form a right angle. It can run at 17 km/h over short distances.
Crane seen from above; It has a long triangular snout. Its eyes and nostrils are located at the top of the skull. His teeth fit together perfectly. 
When he devours a prey he has hunted and breaks his teeth, they can grow back fifty times. Some teeth, notably the particularly long mandibular fourth,
protrude to the side when the mouth is close. When the eggs hatch, the baby crocodile measures about 30 cm and has the same body as its mother, whether male or female.
Nile crocodiles stop feeding if the temperature is below 15.6°C and they are no longer able to swim if the temperature is below 7.6°C7.


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